The project «Aesthetics of Oppressed and Neurodivergent Youth» (AONDY) is a mobility project for youth workers to improve the quality of our work around NEURODIVERSITY and inclusion of neurodivergent youth. The mobility activity consists of a 7-day interactive training course in a rural town in Andalusia, Spain with the main objectives of:

  • Discuss the issue of mental health and neuro-divergence based on the experiences of young neuro-divergents and those who accompany them.
  • Explore the topic of mental health and neurodiversity through the experimentation of different artistic and creative tools and forms of multidimensional and multisensory expression.
  • Fight against discrimination as well as myths and prejudices linked to the issue of mental health, creating a safe space for dialogue between those who define themselves as neuro-divergent and the rest of society.
  • Motivate neurodivergent youth to network at local, national, and international levels with a perspective of empowerment and social transformation.
  • Start a constructive dialogue on neurodiversity and mental health that includes different international and local actors
  • Establish sustainable cooperations between organizations and volunteers to develop more bilateral and multilateral inclusion projects focused on neurodiversity.
  • Lay a foundation for the construction of a functional methodology through artistic expression, the Aesthetics of the Oppressed (Augusto Boal and Bárbara Santos) and non-formal education that increases the quality of youth work for those who work with/accompany neurodivergent youth.
  • Provide participants with a new perspective from which they can approach work with neurodivergent people, with art as a vehicle to facilitate the expression of their difficulties and their potential, to achieve their full participation and integration in each of their territories.

To achieve the objectives, we have planned a four-layer activity:

The first layer is the dialogue between the participants to reach a terminological, emotional, political, and methodological base around the concept of Neurodiversity and mental health in general. Therefore, we will have non-formal education sessions.

 Second layer is to use creativity and artistic expression, using the Aesthetics of the Oppressed methodology to make visible that common base together with personal reflections. The second layer consists of a series of Creative Laboratories of forum theater, painting, creative writing, photography.

Third layer is the moment of public dialogue. We will take the results of the Creative Laboratories to three different points in the province in an interactive way to start a social and political dialogue, turning the «invisible disability» into interactive art.

And the fourth and final layer consists of a long-term networking plan with local impact in each territory involved to achieve sustainable change with improved quality of youth work and political commitments of inclusion and diversity.

Playlist for Neurodiversity

Celebrate & express your diversity with mucsic!! SEND US YOUR FAVOURITE SONGS!! Here’s our collaborative intercultural playlist:


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! Now we cross fingers and wait…

Screenshot of the moment

COORDINATION TEAM WORKING HARD!! Team meeting -July: this was the moment we have decided to launch the project, against all odds & with lots of love and dedication 🙂

Coordination team working hard :))


  • New Project! AONDY
    The project «Aesthetics of Oppressed and Neurodivergent Youth» (AONDY) is a mobility project for youth workers to improve the quality of our work around NEURODIVERSITY and inclusion of neurodivergent youth. The mobility activity consists … Leer más

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